Knowing Estimates are Accurate

The ability to discern the accuracy of an estimate becomes an important and critical skill to ensure a fair and equitable claims resolution to all parties involved.


A recent graduate of Vale, Sebastian recognizes the importance an accurate estimate has on the economics of an insurance company and the resolution of a claim that is fair and equitable to the insured. When receiving estimates from contractors and third parties, the ability to discern the accuracy of the estimate becomes an important and critical skill to ensure a fair and equitable claims resolution to all parties involved.

  • The Challenge

    Adjusters must rely on information supplied by multiple parties in order to evaluate a claim properly and provide an accurate estimate.  In the case of residential property claims, adjusters receive repair estimates from both contractors and roofers.  Understanding the terminology, measurements, materials and the necessity to repair or replace construction components are common burdens placed on adjusters.

  • The Solution

    The classroom training and hands-on experience offered by Vale provide adjusters with the skills necessary to recognize proper building materials and building techniques.  Vale’s learning methodology provides students a well-rounded perspective by incorporating actual building materials in classroom instruction and demonstrating real world claim scenarios in its state of the art training facility in Dallas, TX. This allows students a unique opportunity to observe a variety of materials and construction techniques, including HVAC and electrical systems, interior and exterior finishes, roofs and framing.  As Sebastian explains: “Vale has a wonderful course Residential Estimating that allowed me to learn in depth the fundamentals of home construction and rebuilding. This will allow me to better review estimates from contractors for fairness and accuracy.”

    Vale further enhances this experience by providing training on the software programs used to build and comment on claims files.  By packaging the program with materials, hands-on experiences, software training and constant support and feedback from our instructors, Vale delivers the key skills to develop and interpret estimates.

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