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Our advanced program provides the industry’s most comprehensive training on roofing issues.

Today, 80% of insurance losses are building-envelope related, specifically in the area of residential and commercial roofing. To process these claims quickly and accurately, property adjusters and appraisers must have a qualitative understanding of assessment considerations specific to roofing systems. To meet this need, Vale Training and EFI Global — part of Sedgwick’s property division — have joined forces in offering the Advanced Roofing Certification program.
How to become certified
This advanced level course is designed for property damage estimators and appraisers with prior property experience. Applicants must meet strict requirements to become certified. These requirements include specific levels of education and experience, high ethical standards, successful completion of the four-day advanced roofing classroom course and a satisfactory score on the exam.
Applicants must meet a minimum level of roof inspection experience or industry-related education to qualify for admission to the course. Relevant industry-related education can include attendance at seminars or classes on roof estimating, roof construction, fall protection or property damage assessment.
Online courses in roof damage assessment, estimating and roofing systems are available to those who need additional education prior to being accepted into the advanced roofing certification program.
The course and exam
Professional engineers (PEs) and registered roof consultants (RRCs) from EFI Global deliver the technical content and instruction for the four-day course. They provide detailed information on steep and low-slope roofs, including construction, coverings, storm damage assessment, damage estimating, product identification and repair methods. For hands-on experience, this course also includes simulated hail mockups to illustrate impact dynamics on different residential and commercial roofing systems.
Following the course, participants must successfully pass a three-hour, 50- question multiple-choice exam to become certified.
• Click here to visit the course and exam page
The total cost for the program is $1595.
Renewing your certification
Every three years, advanced roofing specialists must apply for renewal of their certification. The renewal fee is $75.
For renewal, 12 hours of industry-related continuing education through attendance at seminars or industry classes within the roof estimating, roof construction, fall protection or property damage assessment arena are required. Any registrant who does not have the requisite hours of continuing education must retake the course and pass the exam to remain certified.
For more information, contact Vale Training Solutions at 817-633-4800 or submit an inquiry via our website.